Sedimentary Rocks | Best Uses and Detailed Guide

Sedimentary rocks are one of the three main types of rocks, along with igneous and metamorphic rocks. They are formed from the accumulation of sediments, which are particles of rock, minerals, or organic matter that are transported by wind, water, or ice. Sediments are deposited in layers, and over time, these layers are buried and compacted, forming sedimentary rock.

Sedimentary rocks are an important part of the Earth’s crust. They provide a record of the Earth’s history and they are also a valuable resource for humans. For example, sandstone is used in construction, while limestone is used in making cement.

In this blog post, we will take a closer look at sedimentary rocks. We will discuss the different types of sedimentary rocks, how they are formed, and their uses. We will also explore the importance of sedimentary rocks in the Earth’s history and how they can be used to learn about the past.

What are Sedimentary Rocks?

Sedimentary rocks are one of the three main types of rocks, along with igneous and metamorphic rocks. They are formed from the accumulation of sediments, which are particles of rock, minerals, or organic matter that are transported by wind, water, or ice. Sediments are deposited in layers, and over time, these layers are buried and compacted, forming sedimentary rock.

Pre-existing rocks or pieces of once-living organisms are used to create sedimentary rocks. They’re made up of deposits that build up on the surface of the Earth. Layering or bedding in sedimentary rocks is frequently visible. Mesas and arches made of layered sedimentary rock appear in many of the scenic views of the desert southwest.

Sedimentary Rock

Types of Sedimentary Rocks

Sedimentary rocks come in a variety of shapes and sizes. These are provided in order to discuss the various applications of sedimentary rocks based on their types.

  1. Clastic sedimentary rocks
    1. Conglomerates and breccias
    2. Sandstones includes Quartz , Feldspathic, Lithic, ”Clean” sandstones, Muddy sandstones
  2. Biochemical sedimentary rocks
    1. Limestone; corrals, mollusks, foraminifera, and coal
  3. Chemical sedimentary rocks
    1. Pyroclastic flows, impact breccias, and volcanic breccias

Common Sedimentary Rocks

Sandstone, limestone, and shale are examples of sedimentary rocks. These rocks are frequently formed from river sediments that are deposited in lakes and oceans. When sediments are buried, they lose water and become cemented, forming rock. Volcanic ash is found in tufffaceous sandstones.

Clastic Sedimentary Rocks

When most people think of sedimentary rocks, they picture clastic sedimentary rocks. Clastic sedimentary rocks are composed of pre-existing rock fragments (clasts).

Weathering loosens rock fragments, which are then transported to a basin or depression where sediment is trapped. Sedimentary rock is formed when sediment is buried deeply and compacted and cemented.

Clastic sedimentary rocks can contain particles as small as microscopic clay to as large as huge boulders. Their names are derived from the size of their clasts, or grains. Clay is the smallest grain, followed by silt, and finally sand.

Pebbles are grains with a diameter of more than 2 millimetres. Shale is primarily composed of clay, siltstone is composed of silt-sized grains, sandstone is composed of sand-sized clasts, and conglomerate is composed of pebbles encased in a sand or mud matrix.

Biologic Sedimentary Rocks

When a large number of living things die, biological sedimentary rocks form. This type of rock is known as chert, and it is one of the ways limestone can form. Limestone can also form as a result of water precipitation.

Biologic sedimentary rocks are sedimentary rocks that are formed from the remains of living organisms. They are a type of organic sedimentary rock, which means that they are made up of organic matter.

Some examples of biologic sedimentary rocks include:

  • Coal: Coal is a type of biologic sedimentary rock that is formed from the remains of plants. It is a black, solid fuel that is used to generate electricity and heat homes and businesses.
  • Limestone: Limestone is a type of biologic sedimentary rock that is formed from the remains of marine organisms. It is a white or gray rock that is used in a variety of applications, including construction, flooring, and countertops.
  • Chert: Chert is a type of biologic sedimentary rock that is formed from the remains of siliceous organisms. It is a hard, dense rock that is used in a variety of applications, including jewelry, tools, and arrowheads.

Biologic sedimentary rocks are formed when the remains of living organisms are buried in sediment and subjected to pressure and heat. Over time, the remains of these organisms are broken down and transformed into rock.

Biologic sedimentary rocks are an important part of the Earth’s crust. They provide a record of the Earth’s history and they are also a valuable resource for humans.

Here are some of the key characteristics of biologic sedimentary rocks:

  • They are formed from the remains of living organisms.
  • They are often found in marine environments.
  • They can be a variety of colors, depending on the type of organism that they are made from.
  • They are often hard and dense.
  • They can be used in a variety of applications, including construction, jewelry, and tools.

Uses of Sedimentary Rocks

Sedimentary rocks have a wide range of applications in civil engineering. Sedimentary rocks are widely used in civil engineering. Here are some of the most common uses:

  • Building materials: Sedimentary rocks are used in a variety of building materials, including concrete, asphalt, bricks, and tiles. They are also used in the construction of foundations, walls, and roads.
  • Aggregate: Sedimentary rocks are used as aggregate in concrete and asphalt. Aggregate is the inert material that is mixed with cement to create concrete or asphalt. It provides strength and durability to the finished product.
  • Filler: Sedimentary rocks can also be used as filler in concrete. Filler is a material that is added to concrete to reduce the amount of cement needed. This can help to lower the cost of concrete and improve its workability.
  • Admixture: Sedimentary rocks can also be used as admixtures in concrete. Admixtures are materials that are added to concrete to improve its properties. For example, sedimentary rocks can be used to increase the strength, durability, or workability of concrete.
  • Pavement and road construction: Sedimentary rocks are used in pavement and road construction in a variety of ways. Some of the most common uses include:
    • Base course: Sedimentary rocks are often used as the base course for roads. The base course is the layer of material that is placed beneath the asphalt or concrete pavement. It provides a stable foundation for the pavement and helps to prevent it from sinking or shifting.
    • Subbase: Sedimentary rocks are also sometimes used as the subbase for roads. The subbase is the layer of material that is placed beneath the base course. It provides additional support for the base course and helps to distribute the weight of the traffic.
  • Structural components: Sedimentary rocks are used in a variety of structural components, including beams, columns, and foundations. They are a strong and durable material that is also relatively inexpensive.
  • Other uses: Sedimentary rocks are also used in a variety of other applications, including:
    • Making bricks and tiles: Sedimentary rocks are used to make bricks and tiles. They are a strong and durable material that is also available in a variety of colors.
    • Making paper: Sedimentary rocks are used to make paper. They are a source of calcium carbonate, which is one of the main ingredients in paper.
    • Making ceramics: Sedimentary rocks are used to make ceramics. They are a source of clay, which is one of the main ingredients in ceramics.

Overall, sedimentary rocks are an important part of civil engineering. They are used in a variety of applications and they provide a number of benefits.

Architectural and Monumental Stone

  • Certain types of sedimentary rock, such as Portland stone, can be used as architectural and monumental stones (a white -grey limestone).
  • It can withstand the effects of weathering well. More importantly, masons can easily cut and crave Portland stone, which is a significant advantage. As a result, it is regarded as one of the most popular architectural and monumental stones.
  • St. Paul’s Cathedral, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Palace, the British Museum, and the Bank of England were all built with Portland stone.

Structural Wall Construction

Sandstone and limestone are both suitable for building structural walls. Sandstone, on the other hand, must be carefully considered because it may be excessively porous and fragile for load-bearing structures.

Concrete Production

Sedimentary rocks are used in concrete production in a variety of ways. To withstand pressure, sedimentary rock is used as aggregate in concrete production. Some of the most common uses include:

  • Aggregate: Sedimentary rocks are often used as aggregate in concrete. Aggregate is the inert material that is mixed with cement to create concrete. It provides strength and durability to the finished product.
  • Filler: Sedimentary rocks can also be used as filler in concrete. Filler is a material that is added to concrete to reduce the amount of cement needed. This can help to lower the cost of concrete and improve its workability.
  • Admixture: Sedimentary rocks can also be used as admixtures in concrete. Admixtures are materials that are added to concrete to improve its properties. For example, sedimentary rocks can be used to increase the strength, durability, or workability of concrete.

In addition to these uses, sedimentary rocks can also be used to create other components of concrete production, such as molds and forms. They are a versatile and important resource that is used in a wide variety of concrete applications.

Here are some specific examples of how sedimentary rocks are used in concrete production:

  • Gravel: Gravel is a type of sedimentary rock that is made up of small, rounded stones. It is often used as aggregate in concrete. Gravel is a strong and durable material that is also available in a variety of sizes. This makes it a good choice for use in concrete production.
  • Sand: Sand is another type of sedimentary rock that is made up of small, loose grains. It is often used as aggregate in concrete. Sand is a strong and durable material that is also available in a variety of sizes. This makes it a good choice for use in concrete production.
  • Limestone: Limestone is a sedimentary rock that is made up of calcium carbonate. It is a strong and durable material that is also resistant to weathering. This makes it a good choice for use in concrete production.

Pavement and Road Construction

Sedimentary rocks are used in pavement and road construction in a variety of ways. Some of the most common uses include:

  • Aggregate: Sedimentary rocks are often used as aggregate in concrete and asphalt. Aggregate is the inert material that is mixed with cement to create concrete or asphalt. It provides strength and durability to the finished product. In road construction, shale is used as an aggregate.
  • Base course: Sedimentary rocks are often used as the base course for roads. The base course is the layer of material that is placed beneath the asphalt or concrete pavement. It provides a stable foundation for the pavement and helps to prevent it from sinking or shifting. The highway roadbed is made of sedimentary rocks.
  • Subbase: Sedimentary rocks are also sometimes used as the subbase for roads. The subbase is the layer of material that is placed beneath the base course. It provides additional support for the base course and helps to distribute the weight of the traffic.

In addition to these uses, sedimentary rocks can also be used to create other components of pavement and road construction, such as curbs, gutters, and sidewalks. They are a versatile and important resource that is used in a wide variety of construction applications.

Here are some specific examples of how sedimentary rocks are used in pavement and road construction:

  • Gravel: Gravel is a type of sedimentary rock that is made up of small, rounded stones. It is often used as aggregate in concrete and asphalt. Gravel is a strong and durable material that is also available in a variety of sizes. This makes it a good choice for use in pavement and road construction.
  • Sand: Sand is another type of sedimentary rock that is made up of small, loose grains. It is often used as aggregate in concrete and asphalt. Sand is a strong and durable material that is also available in a variety of sizes. This makes it a good choice for use in pavement and road construction.
  • Limestone: Limestone is a sedimentary rock that is made up of calcium carbonate. It is a strong and durable material that is also resistant to weathering. This makes it a good choice for use in base courses and subbases for roads.

Brick and Tile Manufacturing

Shale is used in the construction of bricks and tiles as one of the materials. Sedimentary rocks are used in brick and tile manufacturing in a variety of ways. Some of the most common uses include:

  • Shale: Shale is a fine-grained sedimentary rock that is easily split into thin layers. This makes it ideal for making bricks and tiles, as the layers can be stacked and fired to create a strong and durable product.
  • Limestone: Limestone is a sedimentary rock that is made up of calcium carbonate. It is a strong and durable material that is also resistant to weathering. This makes it a good choice for making bricks and tiles that will be exposed to the elements.
  • Sandstone: Sandstone is a sedimentary rock that is made up of sand grains that have been cemented together. It is a strong and durable material that is also available in a variety of colors. This makes it a good choice for making bricks and tiles that will be used for decorative purposes.

In addition to these uses, sedimentary rocks can also be used to make other building materials, such as concrete and mortar. They are a versatile and important resource that is used in a wide variety of construction applications.

Here are some specific examples of how sedimentary rocks are used in brick and tile manufacturing:

  • Shale bricks: Shale bricks are made from shale that has been crushed and then fired in a kiln. The bricks are typically a dark gray or black color and are known for their strength and durability. Shale bricks are often used in foundations, retaining walls, and other applications where strength and durability are important.
  • Limestone bricks: Limestone bricks are made from limestone that has been crushed and then fired in a kiln. The bricks are typically a white or light gray color and are known for their resistance to weathering. Limestone bricks are often used in exterior applications, such as facades and walkways.
  • Sandstone tiles: Sandstone tiles are made from sandstone that has been cut into thin slabs. The tiles are typically a variety of colors, including red, yellow, brown, and gray. Sandstone tiles are often used for decorative purposes, such as in flooring and countertops.

Building Interior Decoration

Marble is recrystallized and then used to decorate the interiors of buildings. It’s also used to make statues, table tops, and decorative objects.

Sedimentary rocks are used in building interior decoration in a variety of ways, including:

  • Flooring: Sandstone and limestone are both popular choices for flooring, as they are durable and can be polished to a high shine. They are also available in a wide range of colors and finishes, which can add a touch of elegance to any room.
  • Wall cladding: Sedimentary rocks can also be used to clad walls, both inside and out. This is a great way to add texture and interest to a room, and it can also help to improve the acoustics.
  • Countertops: Limestone, sandstone, and marble are all popular choices for countertops. They are durable, easy to clean, and can add a touch of luxury to any kitchen or bathroom.
  • Fireplace surrounds: Sedimentary rocks can also be used to surround fireplaces. This is a great way to add a touch of rustic elegance to a room, and it can also help to protect the surrounding walls from heat damage.
  • Bathroom tiles: Sedimentary rocks are also a popular choice for bathroom tiles. They are durable, easy to clean, and can add a touch of luxury to any bathroom.

In addition to these uses, sedimentary rocks can also be used to create a variety of other decorative features, such as fountains, sculptures, and mosaics. They are a versatile and beautiful material that can be used to add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any home.

Here are some specific examples of how sedimentary rocks are used in building interior decoration:

  • Portland stone: This white-gray limestone is a popular choice for architectural and monumental stone. It is durable, easy to carve, and can be polished to a high shine. Portland stone has been used in the construction of many famous buildings, including St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, Buckingham Palace in London, and the White House in Washington, D.C.
  • Limestone: This sedimentary rock is found in a variety of colors, including white, gray, brown, and black. It is used for a variety of purposes, including flooring, wall cladding, countertops, and fireplace surrounds. Limestone is a durable and versatile material that can add a touch of elegance to any home.
  • Sandstone: This sedimentary rock is made up of sand grains that have been cemented together. It is available in a variety of colors, including red, yellow, brown, and gray. Sandstone is used for a variety of purposes, including flooring, wall cladding, countertops, and fireplace surrounds. Sandstone is a durable and versatile material that can add a touch of rustic charm to any home.

Cement Production

  • Limestone is the primary raw material used to make Portland cement.
  • Cement manufacturers use shale as a raw material.

Filler in Paint

Shale is a sedimentary rock that can be used as a filler in a variety of paints. Sedimentary rocks are used as fillers in paint for a variety of reasons. They can help to:

  • Increase the opacity of the paint: Fillers can help to make paint more opaque, which means that it will cover more of the surface that it is applied to. This is important for paints that are used to cover up blemishes or imperfections in the surface.
  • Reduce the cost of the paint: Fillers can help to reduce the cost of paint by reducing the amount of pigment that is needed. This is because fillers can help to make the paint more opaque, so less pigment is needed to achieve the desired coverage.
  • Improve the workability of the paint: Fillers can help to improve the workability of paint by making it more viscous and easier to spread. This is important for paints that are used in applications where a smooth finish is desired.
  • Improve the durability of the paint: Fillers can help to improve the durability of paint by making it more resistant to scratching, peeling, and fading. This is important for paints that are used in exterior applications or in applications where the paint will be subjected to a lot of wear and tear.

Some of the most common sedimentary rocks that are used as fillers in paint include:

  • Limestone: Limestone is a type of sedimentary rock that is made up of calcium carbonate. It is a white or light-colored rock that is relatively inexpensive and easy to find. Limestone is a good choice for fillers in paint because it is inert and does not react with the other ingredients in the paint.
  • Talc: Talc is a type of sedimentary rock that is made up of magnesium silicate. It is a white or light-colored rock that is soft and slippery. Talc is a good choice for fillers in paint because it helps to make the paint more opaque and easier to spread.
  • Kaolin: Kaolin is a type of sedimentary rock that is made up of aluminum silicate. It is a white or light-colored rock that is soft and absorbent. Kaolin is a good choice for fillers in paint because it helps to make the paint more durable and resistant to fading.

When using sedimentary rocks as fillers in paint, it is important to use the right type of rock for the desired application. For example, limestone is a good choice for interior paints, while talc is a good choice for exterior paints. It is also important to use the right amount of filler, as too much filler can make the paint thick and difficult to spread.

Sheetrock and Plaster

Sedimentary rocks are used in sheetrock and plaster in a variety of ways. The main component of sheetrock and plaster is gypsum, which is a sedimentary rock that is made up of calcium sulfate. Gypsum is a soft, white rock that is easily crushed and mixed with water to create a paste. This paste can then be used to create sheetrock or plaster.

Sheetrock is a type of wallboard that is made up of gypsum and paper. It is a versatile material that can be used for a variety of purposes, including walls, ceilings, and partitions. Plaster is a type of coating that is made up of gypsum and water. It is a smooth, white coating that can be used to cover walls and ceilings.

The use of sedimentary rocks in sheetrock and plaster provides a number of benefits. These benefits include:

  • Strength: Gypsum is a strong material that can withstand a lot of weight and stress. This makes it a good choice for use in sheetrock and plaster, which are often used in areas that are subjected to a lot of wear and tear.
  • Durability: Gypsum is a durable material that is resistant to moisture and mold. This makes it a good choice for use in sheetrock and plaster, which are often used in areas that are exposed to moisture.
  • Fire resistance: Gypsum is a fire-resistant material that can help to protect buildings from fire. This makes it a good choice for use in sheetrock and plaster, which are often used in areas where fire safety is important.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Gypsum is a relatively inexpensive material, which makes sheetrock and plaster a cost-effective option for building materials.

Overall, sedimentary rocks are an important component of sheetrock and plaster. They provide a number of benefits that make them a good choice for use in these building materials.

Here are some specific examples of how sedimentary rocks are used in sheetrock and plaster:

  • Gypsum: Gypsum is the main component of sheetrock and plaster. It is a sedimentary rock that is made up of calcium sulfate. Gypsum is a soft, white rock that is easily crushed and mixed with water to create a paste. This paste can then be used to create sheetrock or plaster.
  • Paper: Paper is used to create the backing of sheetrock. It is a strong, durable material that helps to protect the gypsum from moisture and damage.
  • Water: Water is used to mix the gypsum and paper to create the paste for sheetrock or plaster. Water helps to activate the gypsum and make it easier to work with.


  • Sandstone, particularly thick bedded, well cemented, and siliceous or ferruginous sandstone, is an excellent choice for tunnelling.
  • It’s sturdy and simple to work with.
  • There is no need for lining.
  • Sandstone has no negative impact on geological structures or ground conditions.
  • Because of the softness of shale, tunnelling is relatively easy, but proper lining must be provided.
About the Author
Er. Mukesh Kumar
Er. Mukesh Kumar is Editor in Chief and Co-Fonder at Civil Engineering Website. Mukesh Kumar is a Bachelor in Civil Engineering From MIT. He has work experience in Highway Construction, Bridge Construction, Railway Steel Girder work, Under box culvert construction, Retaining wall construction. He was a lecturer in a Engineering college for more than 6 years.