– Best Civil Engineering Blog dedicated to Provide informational resources to Civil Engineers around the world on various important topics such as Civil Engineering | Construction | Ecology & Environment | Hydrology | Structural Engineering | Surveying & Photogrammetry | Transportation | Waste Management | Structural Engineering, Building Construction Tips, Water Resource Engineering, Transportation, How to Guides for Civil Engineers, Site Engineer, Architect, Contractors, Students, House Owners and Mason etc. You can write for us on below mentioned topics.
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You will get the best results from the guest post and get huge traffic from your guest post if you make your title interesting and specific.
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Guest Post Topics
We Accept Guest Posts on Following Topics – Civil Engineering and related topics
Formats : Expert opinion, List of the tips or tools, Trends, Infographics, E-books, In-depth Case studies, videos, best practices, hacks, etc.
What will you get?
- You will get one lifetime Do-Follow backlink.
- Brand reaches more than 25K visitors.
- We do not allow any
casino, pornography, CBD, or gambling links.
How to Submit Guest Post Content?
- With the subject “Guest Post” send your content in a separate word document file and separate images.
- You can also send a meta description with article content.
- Provide the backlink URL you want in the guest post in the email for review.
If you are looking for prompt publishing, has a “Sponsored Guest Post” option. Unlike the regular guest post, a sponsored story gets published within 1-2 business days. However, it must still meet our guest post guidelines, and it would need approval from our editors.
Got more questions? Don’t hesitate to drop us a mail at [contact @]
Strings to help you find us on Google easily
- Civil Engineering Guest Post Search string
- Civil Engineering “guest article”
- Construction “write for us”
- Civil Engineering “this is a guest post by”
- Civil Engineering “contributing writer”
- Civil Engineering “want to write for”
- Make Money Online “submit blog post”
- Civil Engineering “contribute to our site”
- Civil Engineering “guest column”
- Make Money Online “submit Post”
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- write for us Civil Engineering
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Rules and Format for Guest Posting
- If you write for us just to get only a do-follow backlink then we can’t approve your content. Content must be informative and user-friendly.
- The most important thing is we do not provide any backlinks on keywords that more relevant to our own niche (ex. digital marketing, blogging, SEO, SMO, social media, etc.). Only general terms are allowed for backlinks.
- Don’t forget to send your previous best guest post work.
- Guest posts must be high quality, informative, and 100% Copyscape pass articles.
- We do consider a readability score (must be 4-6) so check the score at HemingwayApp before submitting the article.
- Must add subheadings, bullet points, and paragraphs to make the article more readable.
- The article must be in English and the Grammar score should be above 97 on Grammarly App.
- The guest post content length should be a minimum of 1800+ words or above.
- If you want that your article can be published as soon as possible on then please follow all the RankMath SEO guidelines.
- Don’t forget to provide a lightweight (<100kb) unique image of the article of 870*520 resolution.
- Add a minimum of 2 high authority links in the article.
- Attach a minimum of 3 images related to the content to use in the article. The chances of guest post-approval will be increased if you attach related images.
- Don’t violate copyright when using images. Give credit whenever required.
- Once your content is published on our website you cannot publish it anywhere else, also not in your own blog.
- Once your article is published then it will be owned by No requests for removal will be entertained.
- We reserve the right to make edits to your article at any time. We do not guarantee of your article how long it will live on our website.
- In case you have sent any copyrighted material then you will be responsible for it.
- Do not promote any service or product in your story.
- We have the right to delete promotional links in your article. You can link relevant informative articles though. Your service pages can be linked in your bio.
- Send your topic ideas before you submit your story.